Sworn translations
Sworn translator of Polish and English
in the UK
If you are looking for quality Polish-English translations, look no further!
I am a professional sworn translator of Polish and English, entered in the Register of Sworn Translators kept by the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Poland under the number TP/165/14.
I was granted the licence to practice the profession of sworn translator in 2014.
I live and work as freelance translator in the UK, providing ordinary and sworn translation services in Polish and English to individual clients and translation agencies. I have gained thorough knowledge about my profession and adequate translation skills by obtaining - among others - the following academic qualifications:
MA diploma in English Philology awarded by the English Philology Institute of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow (2011);
MA diploma in Culture Studies with specialization in Translation Studies and Intercultural Communication awarded by the UNESCO Chair for Translation Studies and Intercultural Communication of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow (2010);
EMT diploma (European Master's in Translation) awarded by the European Commission (2010).
It has always been my priority to approach every translation with utmost responsibility and professionalism. Appropriate diligence and carefulness mean that my clients are always satisfied with the results of my work. Do not hesitate to contact me today to get a free translation quote or advice on your project. I hope for our successful cooperation.
+44 758 625 8800
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Aenean sagittis mattis purus ut hendrerit. Mauris felis magna, cursus in venenatis ac, vehicula eu massa. Quisque nunc velit, pulvinar nec iaculis id, scelerisque in diam. Sed ut turpis velit. Integer dictum urna iaculis vestibulum finibus. Etiam tempus dictum rhoncus. Nam vel semper eros. Ut molestie sit amet sapien vitae semper. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
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